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Isomov E.E.




the enrichment of the traditional culture of food, medicinal and forage plants with new species and varieties for the region is the main task of introduction. Among the promising high-yielding, rather drought-resistant and non-traditional plants for the cultivated flora of Uzbekistan, the prickly artichoke (sowing) – Cynara scolymus L. from the Asteraceae family should be considered   

Ключевые слова:
Cynara scolymus L., flowers, seeds, antecology   


Isomov E.E.

Samarkand Branch

Tashkent State Agrarian University

(Samarkand, Uzbekistan)





Abstract: the enrichment of the traditional culture of food, medicinal and forage plants with new species and varieties for the region is the main task of introduction. Among the promising high-yielding, rather drought-resistant and non-traditional plants for the cultivated flora of Uzbekistan, the prickly artichoke (sowing) – Cynara scolymus L. from the Asteraceae family should be considered.


Keywords: Cynara scolymus L., flowers, seeds, antecology


In many countries of Central Asia (India, Iran, Central Asia), the Spanish artichoke was grown. It was this type of artichoke that was bred by the Arabs before our era. This plant spread to Iran and Central Asia from Egypt. According to Ibn Sina's descriptions, the artichoke causes nausea; its root and gum also act, i.e. kangarzad. The artichoke enhances lust, drives urine, softens nature and removes mucus. Often, if drunk with wine, it closes up the stomach. The artichoke dissolves solid tumors. Its juice destroys dandruff, it is useful for hard scabies.

The aim of the study is to study the flowering and seed productivity of Cynara scolymus L in connection with its introduction into the Samarkand region.

For the first time, comprehensive studies of Cynara scolymus L were carried out under irrigation conditions and without irrigation in the Samarkand region [1-4].

Large inflorescences - baskets are formed on non-specialized generative shoots. The differentiation of tissues and the establishment of flower elements on the expanded cone of shoot growth occur in the third decade of February.

The onset of the budding phase at optimum moisture content on irrigated lands is observed at the end of April, and without irrigation, in the second decade of May. The largest number of baskets is formed in 4-5-year-old plants. The number of flowers in inflorescences depends on the age of the plants and the cultivation conditions.

Flowers are proterandric. The anthers are opened even inside the bud, then the filaments are greatly lengthened and carry them out of the corolla. The stigma is still immature at this time. Then the pistil column grows intensively and the stigma protrudes outward, while it is already sprinkled with pollen from its own anthers. The opening of flowers goes from the periphery to the center of the basket. The flowering process begins at 6 am. Mass flowering (50% of flowers) is observed from 8 to 10 hours at a temperature of + 23 + 25 ° C. and relative humidity 50-55%. After 18 hours flowering stops.

The indicators of the opening of mass flowers fall on the period between July 5-15, when the air temperature was + 27 ° С, and the relative humidity was 38-40%. Flowering of one flower lasts 3-4, baskets - 9-12, plants - 20-25 days. According to the type of pollination, C. scoliomyce is an entomophilous plant; it is pollinated with the help of bees - Apis tellifera L., bees - violet carpenter - Xylocora violaceae L. from the Bee family (Apidae), oslestyanka - Hedechridium turanilum from the Osbleschrysidae family (Неdechrysidae).

The study of seed productivity was carried out on 2-, 4- and 6-year-old plants. The greatest number of formed inflorescences with and without watering was observed in 4-year-old plants. The highest potential seed productivity (PSP) is also observed in plants of the 4th year of vegetation: on irrigation it was 26000 ± 24.4, without irrigation, 11610 ± 46.6 ovules per plant; the lowest PSP - in plants of the 2nd year of vegetation: on irrigation 7800 ± 44.2, without watering - 3600 ± 2.28 ovules. The real seed productivity was high for all 2-, 4-, 6-age plants. The productivity coefficient varied on irrigation from 60% in 2-year-old plants to 75% in 4-year-old plants, without watering - from 55% in 2-year-old plants to 70% in 4-year-old plants.

Conclusions: Thus, plants under conditions of introduction are characterized by high rates of real seed productivity, both on irrigation and on non-irrigated plots. The highest coefficient of seed productivity in both variants of experiments was observed in 4-year-old plants on irrigation.




  1. Artyushenko Z.T., Fedorov Al.A. Atlas of Descriptive Morphology of Higher Plants: Seed. - L .: Science. 1990.-204 p.
  2. Nomozova Z.B. Biological features of Cynara scolymus L. in the conditions of the Samarkand region. The development of botanical science in Central Asia and its integration into production // Materials of the international scientific conference. - Tashkent, 2004. –pp. 175-177.
  3. Исомов, Э. Э. (2021). Онтогенез генеративных органов Cynara scolymus L. в различных условиях орошения. Вестник науки, 5(1 (34)), 191-195.
  4. Isomov I.E., & Toshpulatov, Y. (2022). Influence of Soil Salt on Growth, Development and Seed Productivity of Artichoke Varieties. American Journal of Plant Sciences, 13, 557-563.

Полная версия статьи PDF

Студенческая наука в 2023 году. Самара, Россия.   

Ссылка для цитирования:

Isomov E.E. FLOWERS AND SEED PRODUCTIVITY OF CYNARA SCOLYMUS L. IN THE CONDITIONS OF SAMARKAND REGION (UZBEKISTAN) // Научная конференция ''Студенческая наука в 2023 году'' (Самара, Россия). С. 4 - 6. 2023 г. // Электронный ресурс: https://www.вестник-науки.рф/article/7421 (дата обращения: 02.06.2024 г.)

Альтернативная ссылка латинскими символами: https://www.vestnik-nauki.com/article/7421

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